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Hello there, friends. Today, I’m going to share with you some of my favorite UI/UX tools that I use regularly for my daily tasks and projects. These tools are amazingly beneficial and help you to be more productive; I would even go so far as to say that some of them are indispensable.


First, there is my email application. That’s where all the project requests will come in, and it’s also where I’ll spend the majority of time conversing with clients. I’ve tried a variety of different email clients over the years, and these two have consistently stood out as the best.


This fantastic email app is available for Mac, IOS, and Android devices but is not available for Windows (meh!!). The only thing which I don’t like about it.) Spark has a beautiful design and is super easy to use. It comes with numerous useful features, such as email sharing, an integrated calendar, email templates, team conversation, emoji quick replies, and so on. I’ve got it installed on all of my Apple devices, and I very much like it.
Due to the fact that I am also a Windows user, I needed to look for an alternative to Spark because I am not a fan of either the Windows mail app or Outlook.  I discovered a SaaS-based app called Front, which provides a similar functionality to Spark but with many more features. First and foremost, I have to say that Front is armed with several impressive features, and guess what… It’s available on all platforms.  It is possible to enter the app even through your web browser. The down side of using it is that you will need to subscribe to a paid plan, as opposed to using Spark, which starts free. But Front  is spectacular and well worth the price, and it has helped me save a significant amount of time with my emails and calendars.

Now, let’s talk about how I better manage my tasks, which I  typically do on Sunday evenings or early Monday mornings to prepare for the upcoming week.

I recently switched from Todoist to TickTick in order to give it a shot. Both apps have a similar look and feel, which is to be expected for a task management app, but TickTick includes a nice calendar that makes the task scheduling experience a little more pleasant. TickTick integrates with Spark, from where you can save an email as a task to be done later and focus on reaching inbox zero.

Remember how, a long time ago, we used that old desk agenda to write down all of our tasks for the coming week? That is, what Tweek is all about. A task app that is simple, clean, and visually appealing to plan all your tasks. It doesn’t get any easier than that; you have the entire week set in front of you, and all you have to do is plan your tasks and goals and cross them off when you’re finished. Simple! Moreover, guess what? It’s one of my favorite applications.

The most comprehensive project management application. Using this app should be done with caution because it is extremely powerful. Clickup is one of the few project management apps that has everything… Yes, you did hear well it has everything!! The software is extremely useful from small to large teams to collaborate on projects, plan and assign tasks, and provide reporting to your customers. This is the one I use for big projects that necessitate a significant amount of tracking and reporting.

Let’s see the tools I used for my UI / UX design process. 

Miro is where I do the majority of my ux research and wireframes. A collaborative board on which I invite my clients as well as developers to have in-depth discussions about the project’s objectives and workflow . It’s also more convenient for me to share prototypes with my clients so that they get a better understanding of the user flow.
When I’m hired to design a web – based application, that’s the program I’ll be working with. Instead of using Sketch, which is only available on the Mac, I’ve switched over to Figma, which is available on all platforms and can be accessed through a web browser. I can create high-fidelity prototypes and streamline the development process for the developer, Figma is a fantastic tool for that. Access can be granted to a variety of guests, or collaborations with some other creatives can be set up.
I prefer Adobe XD for crafting UI designs for websites. When compared to Photoshop, the interface is less cluttered, making it simple to work with art boards and export assets. It’s simple to share the design with both the client and developers. You can also collaborate with other designers or store files online using your Adobe Creative Cloud account.

I’d like to make a particular mention for an app that deserves to be on this list.

My friend Fernando recently introduced me to an absolutely superb browser. And guess what? I can have all the apps mentioned above (except Spark) in one place… without switching windows or logging into apps. Sidekick makes it so simple to consolidate all of my web-based apps into my browser. I simply link and associate to the app, and they appear in the sidebar as if by magic. I simply have to click on them, and they are immediately accessible without much effort (for lazy people like me, haha). Fernando, kudos on your discovery! You came out on top on that one.


That’s it; these are the most common apps I use, though there are many more. But I can assure you that they change the way I work and make the task much easier. Give it a shot; I think you’ll enjoy them as much as I do.


Bye for now, folks.


Xavier Coiffic
Xavier Coiffic
UX/UI Designer from Mauritius
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